
Basic of Electrotherapy By Dr.Subhash Khatri Jaypee Brothers, New Delhi 24/1/03
Efficacy of Pressure Biofeedback in Isometric Quadriceps Strengthening Exercise By Dr.Subhash Khatri IAP 2000
“Effect of inteferential therapy over short wave diatheramy in low backache By Dr.Sanjiv Kumar IAP 1995
Paper Publication in IAP Kerala Journal on Neuromuscular technique of posterior cervical muscle condition By Dr.Sanjiv Kumar IAP 1998
Trainability of ANS function by using Pranayama V/s GSR Biofeedback in combined with Yogasana for diabetic Patients” (Physiotherapy in Neurology & Psychosomatic disorders) By Dr.G.Mohan IAP 2003
Effectiveness of myofascial release in treatment of plantar fasciitis : A RCT Kuhar Suman, Khatri SM, Chitra Jeba IJOPT July Sept 2007
Effectiveness of Maitland versus Mulligan mobilization technique following post surgical management of Colles’ fracture: RCT Varsha Naik, Khatri SM, Chitra Jeba IJOPT Oct -Dec 2007
A randomized controlled trial to study the effectiveness of proprioceptive exercises in osteoarthritis of knaa Gupta Abhishek Rajendra Jeba Chitra, Khatri Subhash IJOPT Octo-2007
Effectiveness of NDT in Cerebral Palsy Dr.Deepa Metgud KLE Lifeline March 2008
WEffectiveness of Artificial horse riding on postural control in spastic diplegic-RCT Lorraine Fernandes, Jeba Chitra, Deepa Metgud, Khatri S M IJOPT October- Dec 2008 Vol 2 No 4
Comparative effectiveness of mulligan’s mobilization in weight bearing & non-weight bearing in the treatment of ankle sprains- a randomized clinical trial Akre Ambarish, Jeba Chitra, Khatri Subhash M IJOPT Oct-Dec 2008 Vol 2 No 4
Effectiveness of Two 6 week Plyometric training programme on agility in athletes- a randomized clinical trial Goutham A S, Basavraj Chandu, Vijay Kage IJOPT Published
Effectiveness of Muscle energy technique on Quadratus lumborum in acute low back pain- randomized controlled trial Prachi patil, Basavraj Chandu, Santosh Metgud IJOPT Published
An ergonomic study of women workers in a woolen textile factory for identification of health-related problems Deepa Metgud, Subhash Khatri, M G Mokashi, P N Saha IJOEM April 2008, Vol 12 Issue 1
Comparison of MFR & PRT in plantar fasciitis- A RCT Ata-ur Rehman, Basavraj Chandu, Vijay Kage IJOPT Published
Strengthening Procedures for posterior shoulder tightness Ranjeet Sharma, Ganesh B R, Vijay Kage IJOPT Published
Comparative effectiveness of TENS & MENS in patients with Bruxism Bharat Rajpurohit, Subhash Khatri, Deepa Metgud, Anjana Bagewadi Journal Of Dental Research Published
Double Crossed syndrome incricketers shoulder- RCT Sharma Munish, Subhash Khatri, Jeba Chitra JESP 2008 Vol 2 No 4
“Effects Of Contoured Foam Seat on Postural Alignment And Upper Extremity Function in Cerebral Palsy Spastic Diplegics – A Clinical Trial” Payal Dhakappa, Jeba Chitra, Arati Ramannavar Hong KongJournal Of Physiotherapy Published
Infant Neurological International Battery (INFANIB) As a Predictor of Neuromotor Outcome in Low Birth Weight Infants – Prospective Longitudinal Study” Deepti Bagewadi, Deepa Metgud, Anil Muragod Hong KongJournal Of Physiotherapy Published
Effectiveness of Multimodality Chest Physiotherapy in prevention of ventilator associated pneumonia Renu P, Gaude G S Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine Published
Effectiveness of plantar fasciitis taping & calcaneal taping in plantar heel pain- RCT Vishal Bagewadi, Ganesh B R, Santosh Metgud IJOPT Published
Site Specificity of sports injuries seen during the interschool competitions held at Belgaum- An observational study Basavraj Motimath, Ganesh B R IJOPT Published
“Comparison of Mcconnell Patellar Taping Versus Mobilisation With Movement In Chronic Knee Osteoarthritis – A Randomized Clinical Trial.” Rinkle Hotwani, Ganesh B R, Santosh Metgud IJOPT Published
Effect of Muscle Energy Technique and Positional Release Therapy on Non specific Back Pain Prashant Naik , Subhash Khatri, Anand Heggannavar IJOPT Published
The Effectiveness of Ultrasound Vs LASER in the management of 2ndstage pressure sore Anil Muragod, SreeKumaran, Dhanesh Kumar K IJOPT 2011 Published
Effects of Customized Proprioceptive Training & Balance Exercises Among Diabetic Patients Nandini Kadabi, Sanjiv Kumar IJOPT 2011 Published
A Pilot Study to Compare between Effectiveness of Functional Mobility & Strengthening Exercises in Guillian Barre Syndrome Patients Venu Dombale, Sanjiv Kumar IJOPT 2011 Published
Comparative Study between Dance Movement Therapy & Progressive Relaxation Therapy with Music in College Students for Stress Management Swati Chouhan, Sanjiv Kumar IJOPT 2011 Published

Effectiveness of myofascial release in treatment of plantar fasciitis : A RCT Kuhar Suman, Khatri SM, Chitra Jeba IJOPT July Sept 2007
Effectiveness of Maitland versus Mulligan mobilization technique following post surgical management of Colles’ fracture: RCT Varsha Naik, Khatri SM, Chitra Jeba IJOPT Oct -Dec 2007
A randomized controlled trial to study the effectiveness of proprioceptive exercises in osteoarthritis of knaa Gupta Abhishek Rajendra Jeba Chitra, Khatri Subhash IJOPT Octo-2007
Effectiveness of NDT in Cerebral Palsy Dr.Deepa Metgud KLE Lifeline March 2008
WEffectiveness of Artificial horse riding on postural control in spastic diplegic-RCT Lorraine Fernandes, Jeba Chitra, Deepa Metgud, Khatri S M IJOPT October- Dec 2008 Vol 2 No 4
Comparative effectiveness of mulligan’s mobilization in weight bearing & non-weight bearing in the treatment of ankle sprains- a randomized clinical trial Akre Ambarish, Jeba Chitra, Khatri Subhash M IJOPT Oct-Dec 2008 Vol 2 No 4
An ergonomic study of women workers in a woolen textile factory for identification of health-related problems Deepa Metgud, Subhash Khatri, M G Mokashi, P N Saha IJOEM April 2008, Vol 12 Issue 1
Double Crossed syndrome in cricketers shoulder- RCT Sharma Munish, Subhash Khatri, Jeba Chitra JESP 2008 Vol 2 No 4
Effectiveness of Two 6 week Plyometric training programme on agility in athletes- a randomized clinical trial Goutham A S, Basavraj Chandu, Vijay Kage IJOPT Published
Effectiveness of Muscle energy technique on Quadratus lumborum in acute low back pain- randomized controlled trial Prachi patil, Basavraj Chandu, Santosh Metgud IJOPT Published
Comparison of MFR & PRT in plantar fasciitis- A RCT Ata-ur Rehman, Basavraj Chandu, Vijay Kage IJOPT Published
Strengthening Procedures for posterior shoulder tightness Ranjeet Sharma, Ganesh B R, Vijay Kage IJOPT Published
Comparative effectiveness of TENS & MENS in patients with Bruxism Bharat Rajpurohit, Subhash Khatri, Deepa Metgud, Anjana Bagewadi Journal Of Dental Research Published
“Effects Of Contoured Foam Seat on Postural Alignment And Upper Extremity Function in Cerebral Palsy Spastic Diplegics – A Clinical Trial” Payal Dhakappa, Jeba Chitra, Arati Ramannavar Hong Kong Journal Of Physiotherapy Published
Infant Neurological International Battery (INFANIB) As a Predictor of Neuromotor Outcome in Low Birth Weight Infants – Prospective Longitudinal Study” Deepti Bagewadi, Deepa Metgud, Anil Muragod Hong Kong Journal Of Physiotherapy Published
Effectiveness of Multimodality Chest Physiotherapy in prevention of ventilator associated pneumonia Renu P, Gaude G S Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine Published
Effectiveness of plantar fasciitis taping & calcaneal taping in plantar heel pain- RCT Vishal Bagewadi, Ganesh B R, Santosh Metgud IJOPT Published
Site Specificity of sports injuries seen during the interschool competitions held at Belgaum- An observational study Basavraj Motimath, Ganesh B R IJOPT Published
“Comparison of Mcconnell Patellar Taping Versus Mobilisation With Movement In Chronic Knee Osteoarthritis – A Randomized Clinical Trial.” Rinkle Hotwani, Ganesh B R, Santosh Metgud IJOPT Published
Effect of Muscle Energy Technique and Positional Release Therapy on Non specific Back Pain Prashant Naik , Subhash Khatri, Anand Heggannavar IJOPT Published

Ganesh, B.R A Randomized Clinical Trial of Autonomic Nervous Dysfunction by Valsalva Maneuver (V.M) and Sustained Hand grip (SHG) Responses in Middle Aged Subjects having Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy 5.2 (2011): 61-66 National
Ganesh, B.R Combined Effectiveness of Maitland Mobilization & Patellar Taping in Patello-femoral Osteoarthritis- RCT Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy, Vol5, issue 1, 2011 National
Pattanshetty R. B Critical illness myopathy and polyneuropathy –a challenge for physiotherapists in intensive care units Indian journal of critical care medicine: peer-reviewed, official publication of Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine 15.2 (2011): 78 National
Pattanshetty R. B Effect of multimodality chest physiotherapy on the rate of recovery and prevention of complications and in patients with mechanical ventilation –a prospective study in medical and surgical intensive care units Indian journal of medical sciences65.5 (2011): 175 National
Sanjiv Kumar Cardio Vascular and respiratory responses to valsalva manoeuvre, Isometric hand grip exercise and Harvard step test and recovery in healthy individuals IJPOT, Vol 05, No. 02, July – Sept 2011, 18-23 National
Sanjiv Kumar Comparative study between progressive relaxation therapy with music therapy in college students for stress management IJPOT, Vol 05, No. 02, April-June 2011 National
Santosh Metgud Submasseteric Space Infection with Sub mucous Fibrosis Physiotherapy Intervention KLESH Lifeline January 2011, pg no32-35 Regional
Santosh Metgud

Arati Mahishale

Isolated congenital Aplasia of Patella and its Physiotherapy Intervention- a case report KLESH Lifeline March 2011 Regional
Subhash Khatri


Effectiveness of Manual Therapy on Coccydynia Indian J Physiother Occup Ther 5 (2011): 110-2 National
Deepa Metgud Movement Assessment of Infants (MAI) as a Predictor of One Year Neuromotor Outcome in Very Low Birth Weight Infants Indian Journal of Pediatrics Vol 78, issue11, 2011, pg 1383-87 National
Snehal Dharmayat

Peeyoosha Nitsure

Hamstring Index in School Children –A Cross-Sectional Study in Belgaum City Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy 5.2 (2011): 162-168 National
Deepa Metgud Predictive Validity of Movement Assessment of Infants for Six- Month old Very Low Birth Weight Infants Journal of Physical Therapy2011, vol3, pg19-23 International
Deepa Metgud Predicting Neuromotor Outcome in Very Low Birth Weight Infants at One Year of Corrected Age using Movement Assessment of Infants Scale Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy-An International Journal5.3 (2011): 149-152 National

Renu B Pattanshetty Clinical outcome in adult ventilated patients using multimodality chest physiotherapy as treatment approach: a single blinded randomized clinical trial Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy 6.3 (2012): 240 0.45 National
Ganesh, B.R, Kage, V Efficacy of plyometric training in basketball players-A critical Review Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy-An International Journal 6.1 (2012): 183-186 0.45 National
Anil R Muragod Comparative study on effectiveness of Ultrasound therapy and low level laser therapy in the management of second stage pressure sore Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy-An International Journal 6.1 (2012): 11-13 0.45 National
Sanjiv Kumar Comparing the effects of rhythmic auditory cueing and visual cueing in acute hemiparetic stroke International journal of therapy and rehabilitation, Vol. 19, No. 6, June 2012 P-344-351 4.906 International
Sanjiv Kumar A pilot study to compare the effectiveness of functional mobility and strengthening exercises alone in GBS patients Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy-An International Journal 6.2 (2012): 125-129. 0.45 National
Sanjiv Kumar Effect of customized proprioceptive and balance training among diabetic IJPOT, Vol 06, No. 02, April-June 2012, 82-85 0.45 National
Jeba Chitra A comparative study on the effect of resistance training and PNF to improve balance in Parkinson’s patients –A RCT International Journal of scientific Research , 62.7.35 (2012): 59-13 International
Santosh Metgud Comparing the Effect of Manipulation of Wrist & Ultrasound, Friction Massage & Exercise IJOPT April June- 2012, vol 7, no 3,210-214 0.45 National
Arati Mahishale Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction during Pregnancy – A Multimodality Physiotherapeutic Approach Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy-An International Journal 6.1 (2012): 1-4 0.45 National
Dr. Vijay Kage Comparative study on immediate effect on adductor stretch MWM vs MET in subjects with hip adductor tightness –RCT Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy-An International Journal 6.4 (2012): 44-47 0.45 National
Vijay Kage Comparison of Cyriax PT and taping techniques in subjects with tennis elbow – RCT Romanian J of Physical therapy Vol 18, 2012 International
Deepa Metgud Importance of neuromotor assessment & follow-up of high risk infants Physiotimes, vol 4, issue 1, July 2012, pg 34-35 International
Deepa Metgud On Call Physical Therapy for premature Infant with Pneumonia –a case Report Journal of Neonatology,VOJ29,NM7,Oct-Dec 2012,pg 15-16 National


Renu Pattanshetty Immediate effect of singing on autonomic function and pulmonary parameters in school going classical singers and non-singers_ A observational study Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy-An International Journal7.2 (2013): 1-5 National 0.45
Sanjiv Kumar Effectiveness of Conventional Balance Training Exercise Versus Swiss Ball Exercise Program on Balance in Geriatric Population – A Randomized Controlled Trial IJPOT, Oct-Dec 2013, Vol. 7, No. 4, 275-279 National 0.45
Sanjiv Kumar A Comparitive Study on Swiss Ball Therapy Versus Balance Board Therapy on Balance in Geriatric Population: A Randomized Clinical Trial Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy. April June- 2013, vol 8, no 2, pg no 187-190 National
Sanjiv Kumar Comparison of reaction time in older versus middle- aged Type II diabetic patients- an observational study IJPOT, Vol 07, No. 01, April-June 2013, 217-221 National 0.45
Sanjiv Kumar A Comparative study between Relaxation techniques versus 12 moves of yoga on anxiety in young adults- A Randomized clinical IJPOT, Vol 08, No. 02, March 2013, 256-259 National 0.45
Anil Kumar

Santosh Metgud

6 Weeks Continuous Passive Motion V/S Joint Mobilization & Their Combination in Knee Stiffness- A Comparative Study IJOPT January- March 2013, vol 7, no 1 National 0.45
Santosh Metgud Study on Combined effects A of Progressive Muscle Relaxation and Visual Imagery Technique on Perceived Pain, Levels of Anxiety and Depression in Patients with Burns IJOPT April June- 2013, vol 8, no 2, pg no 240-243 National 0.45
Heggannavar Anand A Comparative Study Of Cyriax Manipulation And Kaltenborn Mobilization On Abduction And External Rotation Range In Frozen Shoulder- A Randomized Controlled Trial KLE University’s Health Science Journal, Vol 6 NM4,July 2013,28-33 Regional
Arati Mahishale

Ashwini Chougala

Effect of Therapeutic Ultrasound and Maternal Cooling Gel Pad for Perineal Pain Following Vaginal Delivery with Episiotomy J Women’s Health Care 2.128 (2013): 2167-0420 International 0.36
Arati Mahishale Effect of knee chest position in primary dysmenorrhea- a randomized controlled trial IJPOT Vol 7, No 3 (2013), Pagination: 40-44 National 0.45
Vijay Kage Comparative effectiveness Effect of ART and Rolfing soft tissue manipulation in normal subjects with hamstring tightness –RCT IJPOT – Vol 8 Apr – Jun 2013 National 0.45
Vijay Kage Stress levels in undergraduate PT students – observational study Romanian J of Physical therapy Vol 19, 2013 International
Deepa Metgud Effect of Pulsed Ultrasound Using Ketoprofen Gel in Children with Chronic Hemophilic Synovitis of the Knee Joint Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Oct-Dec 2013, VOJ14, NM11, pg 136-140 National 0.45

Renu B. Pattanshetty Effectiveness of low intensity exercises on 6 minute walk distance and hemodynamic variables in CABG and valve replacement patients during phase I cardiac rehabilitation in a tertiary care set up: A comparative study Int J Physiother Res 2.5 (2014): 669-76. International
Anil R Muragod Open Kinematic chain exercise for sick Scapula in competitive asymptomatic overhead athletes of 3 weeks Int J Physiother Res 2.4 (2014): 608-15. International
Sanjiv Kumar Effect of Cognitive rehabilitation for mild cognitive impairment in geriatric population with early onset hypertension- Pre Post Test design KLE University Health Science 2014 | Volume : 7 | Issue : 1 | Page : 33-38 Regional
Sanjiv Kumar Effect of Neuromuscular re-education in bilateral facial palsy on patient with GBS- A case report International Journal of Physiotherapy research 2014, Vol 2(2):449-52 International
Sanjiv Kumar Evaluation of reaction time with variations in levels of alertness in Geriatric Population: An Observational Study International Journal of therapy rehabilitation and research IJTRR. 2014; 3(2): 1-4 International 4.906
Sanjiv Kumar Effect of Mitchells Relaxation technique and Meditation in essential hypertensive patients: A Randomized clinical trial Romanian journal of physiotherapy VOL.20/ ISSUE 33/ 2014 International
Sanjiv Kumar Contribution of visual and proprioceptive system to the limit of stability in geriatric population-An Observational study European Journal of Physiotherapy June 2014, Vol. 16, No.2, page 121-128 International
Sanjiv Kumar Tolosa hunt- A case study Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy-An International Journal 8.3 (2014): 83-84 National 0.45
Sanjiv Kumar Title A comparative study between the effect of Progressive muscular relaxation exercises versus Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation in Tension headache Hong Kong Physiotherapy Journal 32.2 (2014): 86-91 International 0.4
Sanjiv Kumar Evaluation of cardiovascular responses to Valsalva maneuver in different body position – an observational study International Journal of Health Sciences and Research (IJHSR)4.9 (2014): 167-175 International 3.624
Jeba Chitra Effect of mCIMT for lower limb on weight bearing symmetry and balance in stroke patients-A pre-post experimental study International Journal of scientific Research , Vol 3, issue 6, June 2014 International
Santosh Metgud Effect of Maitland Mobilization on Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction –A case study KLES Lifeline Journal, Issue xxvi, Jan 2014, 32-34 Regional
Santosh Metgud

Neha Gaonkar

Jyotsna Chitroda

Immediate Effect of Mulligans Taping Technique in Grade II Osteoarthritis of the Knee – A case study KLES Lifeline Journal, Issue xxvi, Jan 2014, 42-45 Regional
Anand Heggannavar Post-Operative Rehabilitation of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome-A Case Report KLES Lifeline Journal, Issue xxvi, Jan 2014, 51-53 Regional
Anand Heggannavar A Study on the Applicability of 10% rule of dominance in normal healthy left handed Individuals – An Experimental Study Romanian Journal of Physical Therapy, vol-20, iss-34, 2014, pg 34-38 International
Anand Heggannavar Effect Of Positional Release Therapy Versus Static Stretching On Subjects With Hamstring Tightness Romanian Journal of Physical Therapy, vol- 20, iss-34, 2014, pg 56-60 International
Santosh Metgud Efficacy of Passive sustained specific muscle stretch on Patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus – a randomized control trial Romanian Journal of Physical Therapy Vol 20 issue 33 2014 41-45 International
Santosh Metgud Prevalence of Sleep disorders in Subjects with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus – An Observational Study Romanian Journal of Physical Therapy Vol 20 issue 33 2014 46-50 International
Santosh Metgud A randomized control trial to compare the effect of MET with conventional therapy in stage II adhesive capsulitis International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research 2014,vol 2(3) 549-54 International
Santosh Metgud Comparative Effectiveness of Mulligan’s Traction Straight Leg Raise and Bent Leg Raise in Low Back Ache with Radiculopathy” – A Randomized Clinical Trial International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) vol 3 issue 10 October2014 6-10 International 6.391
Anand Heggannavar

Aarti welling

Post traumatic rehabilitation of undisplaced greater tuberosity fracture KLES Lifeline Journal, Issue xxvii, Aug 2014, 58-60 Regional
Arati Mahishale Inspiratory muscle training using deep breathing exercise and Incentive Spirometer on lung function in immediate post-partum mothers IJPOT 2014, Volume : 8, Issue : 2: 38- 42 National 0.45
Arati V Mahishale Effect of Postnatal Exercises on Quality of Life in Immediate Postpartum Mothers: A Clinical Trial J South Asian FederObstGynae 2014;6(1):11-14 International
Arati V Mahishale Comparison of cardiovascular fitness of children 13-16 years of age from rural and urban areas of Belgaum district: A cross sectional study Journal of scientific society 2014 | Volume : 41 | Issue : 2 | Page : 79-84 Regional
Arati Ramannavar Lymphangioleiomyomatosis: A rare case report Dr. NTR University, 2014, Volume : 3, Issue : 3 : 189-191 National
Arati Mahishale Tailor made exercise intervention for low back pain and pelvic pain during pregnancy- RCT Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy-An International Journal 8.4 (2014): 143-148 National 0.45
Vijay Kage Immediate effect of ART vs. Mulligan BLR in subjects with Hamstring Tightness Int J Physiother Res 2.1 (2014): 301-04 International
Peeyoosha Nitsure Effectiveness of Manual Therapy on Coccydynia Indian J Physiother Occup Ther 5 (2011): 110-2 National 0.45
Vijay Kage Operative Floating Shoulder Rehabilitation – a rare case Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research-2014 International 5.24
Vijay Kage Screening of Lateral Epicondylitis in sweepers using patient rated tennis elbow evaluation questionnaire Romanian Journal of Physical Therapy, Vol 20, issue 34 2014 International
Vijay Kage Effects of Mulligan’s Two leg rotation technique in Hamstring flexibility: Pre post experimental study Romanian Journal of Physical Therapy, Vol 20, issue 34 2014 International
Santosh Metgud

Vijay Kage

Effect of translatoric Mobilization on Chronic Neck Pain – a case report KLE lifeline, Issue 27, august 2014 Regional
Santosh Metgud

Vijay Kage

Effect of Mulligan’s MWM in stage 2 of adhesive capsulitis – a case study KLE lifeline, Issue 27, august 2014 Regional
Vijay Kage Effect of Mulligans two leg rotation technique on Hamstring flexibility in subjects with acute NSLBP – Clinical trial Int J Physiother Res2.5 (2014): 733-41 International
Vijay Kage Efficacy of two leg rotation and bent leg raise technique in hamstring flexibility in subjects with acute NSLBP – clinical trial International journal of Physiotherapy and Research Int-J-Physiother-Res 2014, vol 2(5), 733-741 International
Deepa. Metgud Comparison of Non Verbal Learning Difficulties in Preschoolers Born Preterm with the Term Born Peers The Indian Journal of Pediatrics 81.4 (2014): 346-349 National 0.808
Deepa. Metgud Restless legs syndrome in adolescent school children in Belgaum city- Cross sectional study International Journal of Human Development & Disability, February 2014, issue 2, vol, pg no National 0.2
Deepa. Metgud Importance of neuromotor assessment & follow-up of high risk infants Physiotimes, vol 4, issue 1, July 2012, pg 34-35 International
Deepa. Metgud Effect of lung squeeze technique and reflex rolling on oxygenation in preterm neonates with respiratory problems – a randomized controlled trial Indian Journal of Health Sciences7.1 (2014): 15 National
Deepa. Metgud Effect of Balance training on Dynamic stability & Functional Independence in Visually Disabled children- A Randomized Controlled Trial International Journal of Therapies & Rehabilitation, vol3(4): 14-22, 2014 International 4.906
Anand H

Snehal Dharmayat

Effect of Russian currents on Quadriceps muscle strength in subjects with Primary OA- An RCT International Journal of Physiotherapy &Research, Vol 2(3), pg no 555-60, 2014 International
Basavaraj Motimath Site Specificity of sports injuries seen during the inter school competitions held at Belgaum: an observational study Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy 4.1 (2010): 32-34 National 0.45
Basavaraj Motimath Flexibility and agility among children and adolescent athletes: an observational study Int J Physiother res 2014Vol 2(4): 653-53 International
Basavaraj Motimath Relationship between shoulder girdle muscle length and hand dominance in athletes J of Evidence Based Med & Hlth care may 2014 Vol 1 issue 3: 101-110 International
Dr Anand Heggannavar Effect of Thoracic and Rib Manipulation on Pain and Restricted Shoulder Mobility in Subjects With Frozen Shoulder- A Randomized Clinical Trial Indian Journal of Health sciences,Vol 7/ Issue 2/ Jul -Dec 2014,92-99 National
Dr Anand Heggannavar Effect of Upper Limb Exercises on Hand writing speed with different diameters of Pen International Scientific Journal of Sport Sciences vol 3, No 1and 2, June- December 2014, 27-36 International
Peeyoosha Nitsure

Aarti Welling

Effect of Gross Myofascial Release of Upper limb and Neck on Pain and Function in Subjects with Mechanical Neck Pain with upper limb Radiculopathy- A clinical trial International Journal of Dental and Medical Research, Sept-Oct 2014, vol 01, issue 3, pg 8-16 International
Peeyoosha Nitsure Comparison of Elastic Resistance Band Exercises and Yoga in Physiotherapy Students with Chronic Non-Specific Low Back Pain: A Randomized Clinical Trail Journal of Yoga and Physical Therapy,2014, vol5, issue 1, pg 3-7 International 1.36
A. Muragod, P.Nitsure Immediate effect of static stretching versus myofacial release in iliotibial band tightness in long distance runners- a randomised clinical trial European Journal of Sports Medicine, Sep 2014, vol 2, issue 1, pg 38 International
Peeyoosha Nitsure Internal Versus External Mental Imagery Combined With Physical Practice on Performance In Recreational Golfers- A Randomized Controlled Trial International Scientific Journal of Sport Sciences, June and Dec 2014, 3(1&2), 47-61 International

Sanjiv kumar

Basavaraj Motimath

Effect of short duration targeted manual therapy approach in Planter fasciitis- A randomized control trial Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy. January-March 2015, Vol. 6, No. 1, 203-207 National 0.45
Arati Mahishale A rare case of lymphangioleiomyomatosis with recurrent pneumothorax Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy. January-March 2015, Vol. 6, No. 1, 203-207 National
Vijay Kage Effectiveness of Medial Mulligan Glide Versus Internal Rotation Mulligan Glide in Knee Osteoarthritis-A Randomized Clinical Trial Romanian Journal Of Physical Therapy vol 21, issue 35, 2015, pg. 5-15.6
Vijay Kage Effect of Iliotibial Band Stretching Versus Hamstring and Abdominal Muscle Activation on a Positive Ober’s Test in Subjects with Lumbopelvic Pain- A Randomized Clinical Trial International Journal of Therapies and Rehabilitation Research, vol 4, issue 4, July 2015, pg. 111-116 4.906
Vijay Kage Effectiveness of stretching and strengthening exercises (Janda’s Approach) in subjects with postural backache –RCT International Journal Of Physiotherapy and Research, vol3, issue 6, December 2015, pg 1301-06
jeba chitra Effect of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation technique on core strength in patients with type 2 diabetes:an experimental study International journal of therapies and rehabilitation research, 2015; 4(4):167-171 4.906
jeba chitra Screening of proprioception of ankle joint in patients with diabetic neuropathy- an observational study International journal of therapies and rehabilitation research, 2015; 4(4):104-107 4.906
jeba chitra A comparative study on the effect of compelled body weight shift therapy (cbwst) and modified constraint induced movement therapy (m cimt) on weight bearing symmetry and balance in stroke patients International journal of therapies and rehabilitation research, 2015; 4(4):209-218 4.906
santosh metgud Effect of Anterior tibiofemoral glides on knee extension after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction International Journal of Therapies and Rehabilitation Research, 2015; 4(3):6-8 4.906
santosh metgud Comparative effect of therapeutic ultrasound using extract of ilex paraguariensis and diclofenac sodium gel in acute trapezitis: a randomized clinical trial International journal of therapies and rehabilitation research, 2015; 4(4):137-141 4.906
Varun C Naik 5 Days Comparative Study To Evaluate The Effectiveness Of Therapeutic Ultrasound And Elastic Resistance Band Exercises Versus Therapeutic Ultrasound And Conventional Exercises In Acute Trapezitis:A Randomized Clinical Trial International Journal of Therapies and Rehabilitation Research, 2015; 4(3):1-5 4.906
Peeyoosha Nitsure Study of Differences in Proprioception of Knee Joint with Age, Gender and Lower Limb Dominance in Healthy Asymptomatic Individuals: An Observational Study Inventi Rapid: Sports Medicine Vol 2015, issue 2, 1-5
Peeyoosha Nitsure

Aarti Welling

Comparative Study Between Mat, Swiss Ball and Theraband Exercises on Abdominal Girth International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research 2015, vol 3(4): 1142-49
Peeyoosha Nitsure Ideal Pen for Wrier’s Cramp Like Symptoms – A clinical Trial IJPOT, October – December 2015, vol.9, no. 4, pg 74-79 0.45
Peeyoosha Nitsure The effectiveness of Bowen Technique as an adjunct to conventional physiotherapy on pain and functional outcomes in subject with Acute Trapezitis – a clinical trial Romanian Journal of Physiotherapy, Dec 2015, 21;(26), pg5-11
Renu B. Pattanshetty Evaluation of components of energy expenditure in Indian Physiotherapy students International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research 2015;3(4):1111-16
Renu B. Pattanshetty Relationship of 6 minute walk distance, BMI and Waist to Height Ratio in South Indian men and women with coronary artery disease- A tertiary care hospital based study Indian journal of physiotherapy and occupational therapy 2015;9(3):49-54 0.45
Renu B. Pattanshetty Immediate effect of three soft tissue manipulation techniques on pain response and flexibility in chronic plantar fasciitis International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research 2015;3(1):875-884
Renu B. Pattanshetty Risk Assessment of Decubitus ulcers using four scales among patients admitted in medical and surgical intensive care units in a tertiary care set-up: A cross-sectional study International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research 2015;3(2):971-977
Renu B. Pattanshetty Efffect of Early Mobilization Programme in Addition to Diaphragmatic Breathing exercise versus Incentive Spirometry on Diaphragmatic Excursion and Pefr in patients with Abdominal Surgery- A RCT Indian journal of physiotherapy and occupational therapy 2015;9(2):58-63 0.45
Renu B. Pattanshetty Impact of physiotherapist-designed supervised exercise protocol on muscle strength, and autonomic parameters in patients with Type2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Clinical Trial International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research 2015;3(2):928-937
Prashant Naik Variations of Dysmenorrhea during sress and non stress condition in college going girls in belgaum city: A Cross Sectional Study International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research 2015, Vol 3(2): 1012-16
Santosh Metgud Effect of proprioceptive exercises in osteoarthritic and replaced knees International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research 2015: 3(6): 1294 – 00
Santosh Metgud A Randomized Controlled trail to investigate the effect of Mulligan’s MWM and Conventional therapy in stage 2 adhesive Capsulitis International Journal of Physiotherapy 2015, Vol 3, no 1
Dr Anand Heggannavar Effectiveness of Diadynamic current and MENS in Heel pain- A Randomized Clinical Trial International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research, April 2015, Vol 3(2):992-98
Dr Anand Heggannavar Effectiveness of Subtalar Joint Mobilization in Plantar Heel Pain IJOPT Vol 9,No 2,Apr-Jun 2015 pg no 75-79 0.45
Dr Anand Heggannavar Immediate Effect of Modified Lumbar Snags in Non-Specific Chronic Low Back Patients – A Pilot Study International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research, June 2015, Vol 3(3):1018-1023
Dr Anand Heggannavar Effect of mckenzie Technique versus Neural Mobilization in Chronic Low Back with Radiculopathy – A Randomized Clinical Trial Indian Journal of Physical Therapy, Vol 3, issue 1, January -June 2015.33-37
Dr Anand Heggannavar Effect of Impairment Based Kaltenborn Technique for Plantar Fasciitis: A Randomized Control Trial International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research, July August 2015, Vol 3(4):1117-1121
Dr Anand Heggannavar Effect of Mulligan’s MWM Versus Macquarie Injury management Group (MIMG) Protocol in Osteoarthritis of Knee: A Randomized Clinical Trial International Journal of Therapies and Rehabilitation Research, Vol 4, issue 4, July 2015,125-131 4.906
Dr Anand Heggannavar Post Traumatic Rehabilitation of Distal End Radius Fracture with Carpal dissociation- A Case Report KLES Lifeline Journal, Issue xxix, Aug 2015, 54-56
Dr Anand Heggannavar Quantitative Effects of Proprioceptive Exercises and Mulligan’s MWM in Subjects With Osteoarthritis Knee- A Randomized Controlled Trial International Journal of Therapies and Rehabilitation Research. Vol 4 Issue 4, Sept 2015 191 – 200 4.906
Dr. Ganesh BR, To Screen coronary artery disease using Rose Angina Questionnaaire in Young Adults – An Observational Study Indian journal of physiotherapy and occupational therapy 2015;9(3) 0.45
Dr. Ganesh BR, Effectiveness of Acu-Transcutaneous Nerve Stimulation in middle aged Borderline Hypertensive patients Indian journal of physiotherapy and occupational therapy 2015;9(3) 0.45
Dr. Ganesh BR, Comparative study on effect of slow and fast phased pranayama on quality of life and pain in physiotherapy girls with primary dysmenorrhea: randomized clinical trail International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research, 2015, Vol 3(2)
Santosh Metgud Effect of Soccaer Trainer and elastic band on quadriceps femoris muscle strength in young healthy individuals: A Randomized Controlled Trail International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research 2015, Vol 3(3): 1091 – 97
Dr. Ashwini chougla Screening of body mass index and functional flatfoot in adult: an observational study International journal of physiotherapy and research06/2015; 3(3):1037-41
Arati Mahishale Prevalence of Patterns of Pregnancy induced Pelvic Girdle Pain and Low Back Pain in a Tertiary Care Centre- a Cross Sectional Study IJTRR. 2015; 4(4): 122-124 4.906
Arati Mahishale Violence against women: Role of healthcare systems Journal of Scientific Society.2015Volume: 42 Issue: 2 Page: 57-58
Arati Mahishale Screening for diabetes mellitus in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in tertiary care hospital in India Nigerian Medical Journal, Year: 2015 Volume:56 Issue:2 Page:122-125
Arati Mahishale Screening for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in elderly subjects with dyspnoea and/or reduced exercise tolerance – A hospital based cross sectional study Egyptian Journal of Chest Diseases and Tuberculosis Volume 64, Issue 3, July 2015, Pages 567–571
Arati Mahishale Comparative study of 4 weeks of dynamic balance training program in collegiate football players: randomized clinical trial J of evidence based med & hlthcare, vol. 2/issue 10/mar 09, 2015 page 1446
Arati Mahishale Endobronchial pulmonary mucormycosis diagnosed by fiberoptic bronchoscope: A rare case report Year:2016 Volume:9 Issue:1Page:132-135
Basavraj Motimath

Arati Mahishale

Comparative study of 4 weeks of dynamic balance training program in collegiate football players: randomized clinical trial J of evidence based med & hlthcare. Vol. 2/issue 10/mar 09, 2015 page 1446
Anil murgod Flat foot and posterior tibial length – A Correlational study Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy. October -December 2015, Vol. 9, No. 4, 203-207 0.45
Ashwini Chougala

Arati Mahishale

A Randomized Clinical trial to evaluate the effect of therapeutic ultrasound and low level laser therapy on perineal pain following vaginal delivery with episiotomy Journal of South Asian Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, September – December 2015; 7(3): 152 – 156
Deepa Metgud Prevalence of bruxism in children with spastic cerebral palsy- a cross sectional study Romanian journal of physical therapy vol.21/ issue 36/december/ 2015
Deepa Metgud Screening of sensory integration dysfunction in low birth weight and preterm infants:A cross-sectional study Indian journal of Cerebral Palsy. Vol.1/ issue 02/ 2015 pg no: 117 – 120

Effect of Constraint Induced Movement Therapy v/s Motor Relearning Program Upper Extremity Function in Sub Acute Hemi paretic Patients-a Randomized Clinical Trial Sanjiv Kumar Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy National 0.45
Effect of Aerobic Exercises, Yoga and Mental Imagery on Stress in College Students – A Comparative Study Sanjiv Kumar Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy National 0.45
Prevalence of Neck Pain among School Teachers and its Association with Perceived Muscular Tension, Job Stress and Physical Exposure; An Observational Study Sanjiv Kumar Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy National 0.45
Effect of wobble board exercise with mirror feedback on balance and gait training in geriatric population: An experimental study Sanjiv Kumar MedPulse – International Medical Journal International 0.9
Comparison of the Effect of Neural Mobilization and Kinesio Taping on Pain and Quality of Life in Subjects with Sciatica – A Randomized Clinical Trial Jeba Chitra International Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy International
Influence of Music Therapy on Spasticity, Functional Independence and Quality of Life in Subjects with Hemiplegia: A Randomized Controlled Trial Jeba Chitra International Journal of Neurorehabilitation International
Immediate Effects of Abdominal Exercises on Hemodynamic Responses in Healthy Young Adults-An Experimental Study Ganesh B R Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy National 0.45
Predictive Criteria for Selection of Patients for Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation in Patients with Neuropathy/ Neurological Deficits Following Acute / Acute on Chronic Ischemic Episode of the Limbs : Open Labelled Clinical Trial Ganesh B R Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy National 0.45
Effect of Physiotherapy Rehabilitation on Volkmann Ischemic Contracture- A Case Study Ganesh B R International Journal of Applied Research International 5.2
Evaluation Of Movement With Mobilization On Independence Of Daily Living And Kinesiophobia Using Kartz Index And Tampa Scale In Patients With Lateral Epicondylitis – An Experimental Study Ganesh B R Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research National 3.75
Comparative Study On Effect Of Slow And Fast Phased Pranayama On Quality Of Life And Pain In Physiotherapy Girls With Primary Dysmenorrhea: Randomized Clinical Trial Ganesh B R International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research National
Influence Of Posture On Autonomic Nervous Dysfunction By Valsalva Maneuver (V.M) Responses In Middle Aged Subjects Having Hypertension And Diabetes Mellitus. Randomized Clinical Trail Ganesh B R International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies International 4.67
Reliability of ankle brachial index in patients with neurological deficits on ischemic episode of the limbs following Burgers exercises: open labelled clinical trial Ganesh B R International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences International
Evaluation Of The Effect Of Mobilization With Movement On Pain, Kinesiophobia And Activities Of Daily Living In Lateral Epicondylitis – An Experimental Study Ganesh B R International Journal of Therapies & Rehabilitation Research International 4.906
Contributing Factors for Urinary Incontinence in Postnatal Women–a Survey Arati Mahishale IOSR Journal of Sports and Physical Education (IOSR-JSPE) International 2.9
Determining the prevalence of patterns of pregnancy-induced pelvic girdle pain and low back pain in urban and rural populations: A cross-sectional study Arati Mahishale Journal of the Scientific Society International
Endobronchial pulmonary mucormycosis diagnosed by fiberoptic bronchoscope: A rare case report Arati Mahishale Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil University Regional
To Compare The Effects Of Deep Neck Flexors Strengthening Exercise And McKenzie Neck Exercise In Subjects With Forward Neck Posture: A Randomized Clinical Trial Vijay Kage International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research National
Effect of Seven Sessions of Posterior to-Anterior Spinal Mobilization versus Prone Press-ups in Non-Specific Low Back Pain – Randomized Clinical Trial Vijay Kage Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research International 0.3
Association Of Pain, Function, BMI And Radiographic Evidence Of Osteoarthritis With Clinical Assessment Of Osteoarthritis Of The Knee Joint Santosh Metgud International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research National
Effect Of Body Mass Index, Central Obesity And Core Muscle Activation On Pelvic Inclination And Lumbosacral Angle In Individuals With Low Back Pain: An Observational Study Santosh Metgud International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research National
Effect Of 30 Days Abdominals Challenge Versus 30 Days Planks Challenge On Waist Circumference And Abdominal Skin Fold Measurements In Healthy Young Individuals: Randomized Clinical Trial Santosh Metgud International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research National
Phase II Cardiac Rehabilitation Program-Barriers To Follow Up And Participation: A Cross-Sectional Study Renu B. Pattanshetty International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research National
Screening For Obstructive Sleep Apnea Using Modified Berlin Questionnaire, Stop-Bang Questionnaire And Anthropometric Measurements In Patients Visiting Various Opds In A Tertiary Care Set-Up Renu B. Pattanshetty International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research National
Role of Physiotherapy in Cancer Related Fatigue in Cancer Survivors – A Narrative Review Renu B. Pattanshetty Journal of Novel Physiotherapy and Physical Rehabilitation International 1.5
Effect of Chair aerobics as low intensity exercise training on heart rate, blood pressure and six minute walk distance in post coronary artery bypass graft surgery patients through phase I cardiac rehabilitation Renu B. Pattanshetty Nepalese Heart Journal International
A Correlation Between Leg-Heel Alignment, Tibial Torsion And Q Angle Amongst Normal, Overweight And Obese Individuals Anand Heggannavar International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research National
Effect Of Foot Posture Index Associated With Body Mass Index And Standing Balance In Healthy Population: An Observational Study Anand Heggannavar International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research National
Effect of Impairment based Kaltenborn Technique for Plantar Fasciitis Anand Heggannavar KLESH Lifeline Regional
Effect of shakers exercise with Kinesio taping in subjects with gastro esophageal reflux disease: A randomized controlled trial Peeyoosha Gurudut International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences International
Comparative Effectiveness Of Low Level Laser Therapy, Ultrasound Therapy And Combined Effect Of Both On Trigger Points Peeyoosha Gurudut International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research National
Effect Of Kinesio Taping On Neck Flexors And Craniovertebral Angle In Subjects With Forward Head Posture: A Randomized Controlled Trial Peeyoosha Gurudut International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research National
Evaluation Of Pressure Pain Threshold And Active Range Of Motion Of TMJ And Neck In Stressed And Non Stressed Students Peeyoosha Gurudut International Journal of Innovative Research in Medical Science International 4.67
Effect Of Low Level Laser Therapy And Low Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound On Pain Following Tooth Extraction: A Single Blinded Study Anil Muragod International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research National
Effect Of Progressive Resistance Training And Balance Training On Balance Performance In Young Old Adults: Randomized Clinical Trail Anil Muragod International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research National
Effect of Tai Chi in the Management of Meniere’s Disease Anil Muragod Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy National 0.45
Comparative Study of Effectiveness of Epleys Maneuver Verses Gans Maneuver in BPPV Anil Muragod Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy National 0.45
Teachers Physical Exposure Grading in Percentile Scale: Development and Assessment of Reliability Prashant Naik Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research International 5.24
Comparison of Kinesio Taping & Crepe Bandaging In Patients with Post-Operative Pedal Edema: A Randomized Clinical Trial Prashant Naik Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research International 5.24
Effect of Total Motion Release on Acute Neck Pain: A Pilot Study Varun Naik Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy National 0.45
Effectiveness of 2 Weeks Qigong Exercise Therapy Vs. Conventional Physiotherapy Management in Post-Surgical Breast Cancer Survivors: A Randomized Clinical Trail Varun Naik Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research International 5.24
Immediate Effects of M2T Blade on Pain and Range of Motion In recreational Badminton Shoulder Pain Subjects: A Pilot Study Varun Naik Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research International 5.24
Physiotherapy In Hemimandibulectomy Varun Naik KLESH Lifeline Regional
Chest Physiotherapy following Transthoracic Oesophagectomy Varun Naik KLESH Lifeline Regional
Evaluation of Gait Parameters and Balance in Obese Down Syndrome: An Observational Study Ashwini Chougala Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy National 0.45
Prevalence of Osteoarthritis of Knee in Post-menopausal Women in Rural and Urban Areas of Belagavi – A Cross-sectional Study Ashwini Chougala Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy National 0.45
Effectiveness of Matrix Rhythm Therapy on Spasticity and Functional Activity in Spastic Diaplegic cerebral Palsy Vinuta Deshpande KLESH Lifeline Regional
Effect of lower limb closed kinematic chain exercises on balance in patients with chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy: a pilot study Jorida. Fernandes International Journal of Rehabilitation Research: December 2016 – Volume 39 – Issue 4 – p 368–371 Regional 1.25

Effect of Constraint Induced Movement Therapy v/s Motor Relearning Program Upper Extremity Function in Sub Acute Hemi paretic Patients-a Randomized Clinical Trial Sanjiv Kumar Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy National 0.45
Effect of Aerobic Exercises, Yoga and Mental Imagery on Stress in College Students – A Comparative Study Sanjiv Kumar Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy National 0.45
Prevalence of Neck Pain among School Teachers and its Association with Perceived Muscular Tension, Job Stress and Physical Exposure; An Observational Study Sanjiv Kumar Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy National 0.45
Effect of wobble board exercise with mirror feedback on balance and gait training in geriatric population: An experimental study Sanjiv Kumar MedPulse – International Medical Journal International 0.9
Comparison of the Effect of Neural Mobilization and Kinesio Taping on Pain and Quality of Life in Subjects with Sciatica – A Randomized Clinical Trial Jeba Chitra International Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy International
Influence of Music Therapy on Spasticity, Functional Independence and Quality of Life in Subjects with Hemiplegia: A Randomized Controlled Trial Jeba Chitra International Journal of Neurorehabilitation International
Immediate Effects of Abdominal Exercises on Hemodynamic Responses in Healthy Young Adults-An Experimental Study Ganesh B R Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy National 0.45
Predictive Criteria for Selection of Patients for Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation in Patients with Neuropathy/ Neurological Deficits Following Acute / Acute on Chronic Ischemic Episode of the Limbs : Open Labelled Clinical Trial Ganesh B R Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy National 0.45
Effect of Physiotherapy Rehabilitation on Volkmann Ischemic Contracture- A Case Study Ganesh B R International Journal of Applied Research International 5.2
Evaluation Of Movement With Mobilization On Independence Of Daily Living And Kinesiophobia Using Kartz Index And Tampa Scale In Patients With Lateral Epicondylitis – An Experimental Study Ganesh B R Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research National
Comparative Study On Effect Of Slow And Fast Phased Pranayama On Quality Of Life And Pain In Physiotherapy Girls With Primary Dysmenorrhea: Randomized Clinical Trial Ganesh B R International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research National
Influence Of Posture On Autonomic Nervous Dysfunction By Valsalva Maneuver (V.M) Responses In Middle Aged Subjects Having Hypertension And Diabetes Mellitus. Randomized Clinical Trail Ganesh B R International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies International 4.67
Reliability of ankle brachial index in patients with neurological deficits on ischemic episode of the limbs following Burgers exercises: open labelled clinical trial Ganesh B R International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences International
Evaluation Of The Effect Of Mobilization With Movement On Pain, Kinesiophobia And Activities Of Daily Living In Lateral Epicondylitis – An Experimental Study Ganesh B R International Journal of Therapies & Rehabilitation Research International 4.906
Contributing Factors for Urinary Incontinence in Postnatal Women–a Survey Arati Mahishale IOSR Journal of Sports and Physical Education (IOSR-JSPE) International 2.9
Determining the prevalence of patterns of pregnancy-induced pelvic girdle pain and low back pain in urban and rural populations: A cross-sectional study Arati Mahishale Scientific
Endobronchial pulmonary mucormycosis diagnosed by fiberoptic bronchoscope: A rare case report Arati Mahishale Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil University Regional
To Compare The Effects Of Deep Neck Flexors Strengthening Exercise And McKenzie Neck Exercise In Subjects With Forward Neck Posture: A Randomized Clinical Trial Vijay Kage International Journal of Physiotherapy and ResearchInternational Journal of Physiotherapy and Research National
Effect of Seven Sessions of Posterior to-Anterior Spinal Mobilization versus Prone Press-ups in Non-Specific Low Back Pain – Randomized Clinical Trial Vijay Kage Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research International 0.3
Association Of Pain, Function, BMI And Radiographic Evidence Of Osteoarthritis With Clinical Assessment Of Osteoarthritis Of The Knee Joint Santosh Metgud International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research National
Effect Of Body Mass Index, Central Obesity And Core Muscle Activation On Pelvic Inclination And Lumbosacral Angle In Individuals With Low Back Pain: An Observational Study Santosh Metgud International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research National
Effect Of 30 Days Abdominals Challenge Versus 30 Days Planks Challenge On Waist Circumference And Abdominal Skin Fold Measurements In Healthy Young Individuals: Randomized Clinical Trial Santosh Metgud International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research National
Phase II Cardiac Rehabilitation Program-Barriers To Follow Up And Participation: A Cross-Sectional Study Renu B. Pattanshetty International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research National
Screening For Obstructive Sleep Apnea Using Modified Berlin Questionnaire, Stop-Bang Questionnaire And Anthropometric Measurements In Patients Visiting Various Opds In A Tertiary Care Set-Up Renu B. Pattanshetty International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research National
Role of Physiotherapy in Cancer Related Fatigue in Cancer Survivors – A Narrative Review Renu B. Pattanshetty Journal of Novel Physiotherapy and Physical Rehabilitation International 1.5
Effect of Chair aerobics as low intensity exercise training on heart rate, blood pressure and six minute walk distance in post coronary artery bypass graft surgery patients through phase I cardiac rehabilitation Renu B. Pattanshetty Nepalese Heart Journal International
A Correlation Between Leg-Heel Alignment, Tibial Torsion And Q Angle Amongst Normal, Overweight And Obese Individuals Anand Heggannavar International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research National
Effect Of Foot Posture Index Associated With Body Mass Index And Standing Balance In Healthy Population: An Observational Study Anand Heggannavar International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research National
Effect of Impairment based Kaltenborn Technique for Plantar Fasciitis Anand Heggannavar KLESH Lifeline Regional
Effect of shakers exercise with Kinesio taping in subjects with gastro esophageal reflux disease: A randomized controlled trial Peeyoosha Gurudut International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences International
Comparative Effectiveness Of Low Level Laser Therapy, Ultrasound Therapy And Combined Effect Of Both On Trigger Points Peeyoosha Gurudut International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research National
Effect Of Kinesio Taping On Neck Flexors And Craniovertebral Angle In Subjects With Forward Head Posture: A Randomized Controlled Trial Peeyoosha Gurudut International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research National
Evaluation Of Pressure Pain Threshold And Active Range Of Motion Of TMJ And Neck In Stressed And Non Stressed Students Peeyoosha Gurudut International Journal of Innovative Research in Medical Science International 4.67
Effect Of Low Level Laser Therapy And Low Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound On Pain Following Tooth Extraction: A Single Blinded Study Anil Muragod International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research National
Effect Of Progressive Resistance Training And Balance Training On Balance Performance In Young Old Adults: Randomized Clinical Trail Anil Muragod International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research National
Effect of Tai Chi in the Management of Meniere’s Disease Anil Muragod Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy National 0.45
Comparative Study of Effectiveness of Epleys Maneuver Verses Gans Maneuver in BPPV Anil Muragod Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy National 0.45
Teachers Physical Exposure Grading in Percentile Scale: Development and Assessment of Reliability Prashant Naik Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research International 5.24
Comparison of Kinesio Taping & Crepe Bandaging In Patients with Post-Operative Pedal Edema: A Randomized Clinical Trial Prashant Naik Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research International 5.24
Effect of Total Motion Release on Acute Neck Pain: A Pilot Study Varun Naik Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy National 0.45
Effectiveness of 2 Weeks Qigong Exercise Therapy Vs. Conventional Physiotherapy Management in Post-Surgical Breast Cancer Survivors: A Randomized Clinical Trail Varun Naik Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research International 5.24
Immediate Effects of L7T Blade on Pain and Range of Motion In recreational Badminton Shoulder Pain Subjects: A Pilot Study Varun Naik Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research International 5.24
Physiotherapy In Hemimandibulectomy Varun Naik KLESH Lifeline Regional
Chest Physiotherapy following Transthoracic Oesophagectomy Varun Naik KLESH Lifeline Regional
Evaluation of Gait Parameters and Balance in Obese Down Syndrome: An Observational Study Ashwini Chougala Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy National 0.45
Prevalence of Osteoarthritis of Knee in Post-menopausal Women in Rural and Urban Areas of Belagavi – A Cross-sectional Study Ashwini Chougala Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy National 0.45
Effectiveness of Matrix Rhythm Therapy on Spasticity and Functional Activity in Spastic Diaplegic cerebral Palsy Vinuta Deshpande KLESH Lifeline Regional




Cumulative impact Factor: 50.506


Dual-task net-step exercise versus balance training exercise program on foam rubber pad in community-based older adults: a randomized clinical trial Sanjiv kumar International journal of applied research 2017. 3(12). 78 – 83 International 5.2
Effect of yoga eye exercises on letter recognition and Reaction time in school going children with and Without refractive errors-a randomized control trial Sanjiv kumar International journal of applied research 2017. 3(12). 245 – 248 International 5.2
Effect of auditory cueing, foam hurdle crossing with Eyes closed on balance and quality of life in geriatric Population- an experimental study Sanjiv kumar International journal of applied research 2017. 3(12). 240 – 244 International 5.2
Development of a functional assessment scale For indian population Sanjiv kumar Indian journal of physiotherapy and occupational therapy.january-march 2017, vol. 11, no. 1 National 0.45
An evaluative commentary on physical Therapy intervention in headache Sanjiv kumar Physiotherapy – the journal of indian association of physiotherapists – volume 11, issue 1, january-june 2017 National
Effect of mat pilates exercises on pulmonary function Parameter and quality of life of women with type 2 Diabetes mellitus: an experimental trial Ganesh br International journal of applied research 2017. 3(5). 12 – 15 International 0.45
Comparative study of laura mitchell’s physiological relaxation technique Versus jacobson’s progressive relaxation technique on severity of pain And quality of life in primary dysmenorrhea: randomized clinical trial Ganesh br Jmscr vol. 05. Issue 07. Page 25379-25387 july 2017 International 5.84
Short term effects of instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization On pain and activities of daily living in subjects with Patellofemoral joint osteoarthritis – a randomized Controlled trial Ganesh br International journal of current research in Medical sciences. (2017). 3(11): 55-63 International
Short term effects of respiratory muscle stretch Gymnastics versus hold relax pnf on pulmonary Functions and chest expansion in elderly individuals-a Randomized clinical trial Ganesh br International journal of applied research 2017. 3(7). 1018 – 1022 International 5.2
Comparison of level of depression among mothers with lower segment cesarean Section and vaginal delivery: a cross-sectional study Arati mahishale J sci soc 2017; 44:15-9 National
Immediate effects of triplanar myofascial release vs Suboccipital release in subjects with non-specific neck Pain: a clinical trial Vijay kage International journal of physiotherapy and research, 2017, vol 5(3):2056-60 International
Effect of bowen technique versus muscle energy technique on Asymptomatic subjects with hamstring tightness: a randomized clinical Trial Vijay kage International journal of medical research & Health sciences, 2017, 6(4): 102-108 International 0.5
Effect of neural flossing technique on pain, cervical Range of motion and functional ability in subjects with Acute, sub-acute trapezitis: an experimental study Vijay kage International journal of applied research 2017; 3(7): 818-822 International 5.2
Effectiveness of myofascial release with foam roller versus static stretching in Healthy individuals with hip adductor tightness: a randomized clinical trial Vijay kage International journal of medical research & Health sciences, 2017, 6(12): 35-41 International 0.5
Comparative effect of mobilization, low dye taping and faradic foot bath in subjects with flat foot – a randomised clinical trial Santosh metgud Iosr journal of sports and physical education volume 4, issue 3, (may – june 2017), pp 55-60 International 2.92
Effect of work related and non-work related, individual, and Psychosocial, risk factors on neck pain among office computer Workers: a cross sectional study Santosh metgud Asian journal of medical and health research 2017. 2(6) International
Effect of hip mobility exercises on pain and function in Individuals with chronic neck pain-an experimental Study Santosh metgud International journal of applied research 2017; 3(7): 23-29 International 5.2
Effect of mckenzie method of mechanical diagnosis And therapy (mdt) on pain, range of motion and Shoulder functions using penn shoulder score in Individuals with stage ii adhesive capsulitis: a pre-post Experimental study Santosh metgud International journal of physical education, sports and health 2017; 4(4): 264-268 International 5.38
Effect of low dye taping and faradic foot bath in subjects with flat foot: a randomized clinical trial Santosh metgud International journal of multidisciplinary research and development Online issn: 2349-4182, print issn: 2349-5979 International 5.72
Effect of mckenzie method of mechanical diagnosis And therapy (mdt) versus maitland mobilization in Individuals with stage ii adhesive capsulitis: a Randomized clinical trial Santosh metgud International journal of applied research 2017; 3(8): 362-367 International 5.2
Effect of combined manual therapy on neck pain and Quality of life in post – operative head and neck cancer Patients – a pre – post experimental study Renu pattanshetty International journal of physiotherapy and research, Int j physiother res 2017, vol 5(6):2552-59 International
Impact of a moderate intensity intermittent Aerobic exercise training with progressive Relaxation technique on physiological and Psychological variables in Indian cancer Patients- an experimental study Renu pattanshetty Paripex – indian journal of research volume-6 iissue-9 september-2017 National 5.76
Shaker’s exercise rehabilitation in head and neck cancer patients – a Clinical trial Renu pattanshetty Jmscr vol 05 issue 08 page 27131-27139 august 2017 International 5.84
Evaluation of body mass index, exercise barriers, depression and lifestyle In patients visiting executive health checkup centre at a tertiary care Hospital- a cross-sectional study Renu pattanshetty Jmscr vol 05 issue 07 page 25187-25194 july2017 International 5.84
Effect of microwave diathermy on primary dysmenorrhea: An experimental study Anand Heggannavar International journal of physiotherapy and research, 2017, vol 5(1):1802-06 International
Upper Extremity and Neck Disability In Dentist with Concurrent Changes In Pinch Strength: an Observational Study Anand Heggannavar Asian Journal of Medical and Health Research 2017. 2(3) International
Correlation of Degree of Toe Out and Anterior Knee Pain in Bharatanatyam Dancers Anand Heggannavar British Journal of Medical and Health Research 2017. 4(4) International
A randomised controlled study to evaluate the effectiveness Of shortwave diathermy in acute sinusitis Anand Heggannavar International journal of physiotherapy and research, Int j physiother res 2017, vol 5(3):2066-72 International
Effect of Thoracic Spine Distraction Thrust Versus Upper Thoracic Crossed Hand Manipulation in Mechanical Neck Pain:A Randomized Clinical Trial Anand Heggannavar IOSR Journal of Sports and Physical Education (IOSR-JSPE) Volume 4, Issue 4 (Jul. -Aug .2017), PP 27-34 International
Immediate effect of passive static stretching versus resistance exercises on postprandial blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetes mellitus: a randomized clinical trial Peeyoosha Gurudut Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation 2017;13(5):581-587 International 0.727
Effectiveness of Kinesio Taping for Hand on Grip Strength and Upper Limb Function in Subjects with Cervical Radiculopathy: A Randomized Controlled Trial Peeyoosha Gurudut International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences, 2017, 6(8): 24-34 International 0.5
Clinical Trial to Study the Effect of 5 Week Core Strengthening Protocol On Shoulder Strength in Young Obese Individuals Peeyoosha Gurudut Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Volume 05 Issue 03 March 2017 International 5.84
Comparative effectiveness of lumbar stabilization, dynamic strengthening, and Pilates on chronic low back pain: randomized clinical trial Peeyoosha Gurudut Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation 2017;13(4):477-485 Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation 2017;13(4):477-485 International 0.727
Sport Specific Muscle Imbalance in Roller Skaters-An Observational Study Basavraj Motimath Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Volume 05 Issue 08 August 2017 International 5.84
Influence of smartphone addiction on grip and pinch strength in collegiate population – an observational study Basavraj Motimath Int. J. Adv. Res. 5(8), XX-XX International 6.118
Comparative effect of Myofascial Release with Foam Roller, Mulligans Bent Leg Raise Technique and Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Stretching on hamstring flexibility in athletes – A randomized clinical trial Basavraj Motimath Asian J Med Health Res. 2017;2(8) International
Effect of Three Weeks Lower Limb Strength Training on Swimming Performance– A Randomized Controlled Trial Basavraj Motimath Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Volume 05 Issue 03 March 2017 International 5.84
Immediate effect of instrument assisted soft tissue Mobilization (Iastm) With M2T blade technique in Trapezitis: An experimental study Basavraj Motimath International Journal of Applied Research 2017; 3(5): 527-529 International 5.2
Immediate Effects of Tendoachilles Stretch on Balance in Geriatric Population – An Experimental Study Basavraj Motimath Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Volume 05 Issue 02 February 2017 International 5.84
Screening the Ability to Squat in the Middle aged Population: An Observational Study Basavraj Motimath Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Volume 05 Issue 08 February 2017 International 5.84
Effects of static stretching and neurodynamic Mobilization on hamstring flexibility in elderly Population- A randomized clinical trial Anil R Muragod International Journal of Applied Research 2017; 3(8): 520-523 International 5.2
The effect of postural restrictions in the treatment Of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo: randomized Control trial Anil R Muragod International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research, 2017, Vol 5(3):2051-56 International
Effect of progressive resistance training and balance Training on balance performance in young old adults: Randomised clinical trail Anil R Muragod International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research, Int J Physiother Res 2016, Vol 4(5):1646-51 International
Effectivenesss of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation and Diadynamic Current on Primary Dysmenorrhea : A Randomized Clinical Trial Anil R Muragod Medical Science and Clinical Research Volume 05 Issue 03 February 2017 International 5.84
Effect of Ergonomic Advice on Neck Pain among Engineering Students of Belagavi City, Karnataka: An Observational Study Prashant Naik International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences, 2017, 6(6): 77-81 International 0.5
Comparative Study Between the Effect of Myofascial Release Using M2T Blade and Kinesiotape on Recreational Badminton Shoulder Pain Subjects: A Randomised Clinical Trial Varun Naik International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences, 2017, 6(5): 1-6 International 0.5
Improved level of function in an individual with Carcinoma of the pyriform sinus undergoing radiotherapy: A case report study Varun Naik J SciSoc 2017;44:40-2 National
Effect of IASTM Using J5T Blade on Acute Heel Pain: A Pilot Study Ashwini Bulbuli Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Volume 05 Issue 04 February 2017 International 5.84
Immediate Effect of Spray and Stretch Technique on Trapezits: An Experimental Study Ashwini Bulbuli Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Volume 05 Issue 04 February 2017 International 5.84
Comparative Effect of Kinesiotape and Rigid Tape with Therapeutic Putty Exercise on Pinch Strenght in Instrumentalists – A Randomized Clinical Trial Dhaval Chivate Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Volume 05 Issue 03 February 2017 International 5.84
Effects of Hemibridge with Ball and Balloon Exercise on Forced Expiratory Volume And Pain in Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain: An Experimental Study Jorida Fernandes International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences, 2017, 6(8): 47-52 International 0.5
Effect of motor relearning program poststem cell therapy in chronic stroke Jorida Fernandes J Sci Soc 2017;44:46-8 National
Jorida Fernandes Physiother – J Indian Assoc Physiother 2017;11:17-20 National
Effect of lower limb closed kinematic chain exercises on balance in patients with chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy: a pilot study Jorida Fernandes Int J Rehabil Res. 2016 Dec;39(4):368-371 International 0.5
Effectiveness of Swaddling on Pain in Neonates during Chest Physiotherapy: A Randomized Control Tria Vinuta Deshpande Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Volume 04 Issue 11 February 2017 International 5.84
Prevalence of pesplanus in children between the age Of 5 to 10 years in belagavi city: a cross sectional Study Vinuta Deshpande Indian journal of applied researc. Volume – 7 Issue – 4 April-2017 National

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