The extreme shortage of medical facilities in the region, promoted the KLE Society to establish the Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College at Belgaum in 1963. The J N Medical College, Belgaum, stands testimony to the high professional standards aimed for and achieved by the KLE Society. Under the able guidance and mature insight of the Founder Dean, Late Dr.B.S.Jirge, the foundation of the present academic vastness was laid. Eminent medical educationist, late Dr.B.S. Desai and Dr.M.BasavarajUrs headed the institutions as principals during the first decade.Dr.S.G.Desai took over the reigns of the institution in 1971. His distinguished tenure between 1971 and 1985 was marked by the achievement of high standards of discipline, decorum, and academic excellence.Dr.H.B.Rajshekhar assumed the office of the principal in 1985. During his tenure; the college saw vast growth in infrastructure and learning resources. He contributed substantially in the up coming of the KLE Hospital and MRC, Department of Medical Educaiton, Digital Library and collaboration with the University of Illinois, USA. These ideas were conceived and realized during his tenure. Welfare and student support amenities were given a great emphasis by him.

The great visionary efforts Dr.Prabhakar Kore,MP, Chairman KLE Society since 1985 have been pivotal in deciding to march ahead into a new millennium as an autonomous University, thereby opening up the unexpected horizon in the field of education.

The K.L.E. Academy of Higher Education & Research was established on 13th April, 2006 as per the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, Notification No.F.9-19/2000-U-R(A) dated 13th April, 2006, under the recommendation of University Grants Commission.


To implement effectively programs through creativity and innovation in teaching, learning and evaluation, make existing programs more career oriented through effective system of review and redesign of curriculum, impart spirit of inquiry and scientific temperament among students through research oriented activities, enhance reading and learning capability among faculty and students and inculcate sense of life-long-learning, promulgate process for effective continuous, objective oriented student performance evaluation, incorporate themes to build values, civic responsibilities and sense of national integrity, ensure that the academic, career and personal counseling are in-built into the system of curriculum delivery’s strengthen, develop and implement staff students’ welfare programs, adopt and implement principles of participation, transparency and accountability in governance of academic and administrative activities, constantly display sensitivity and respond to changing educational, social and community demands, promote public-private partnership.

Our Vision

To Be an Outstanding University Of Excellence, Ever in Pursuit Of Newer Horizons to Build Self-Reliant Global Citizens Through Assured Quality Education Programmes

Our Mission

To promote sustainable development of Higher Education consistent with statutory requirements, plan and continuously provide necessary infrastructure, learning resources required for quality education and innovations, stimulate to extend the frontiers of knowledge through faculty development and continuing education programs, make research a significant activity involving staff, students and society promote industry / organization, interaction / collaborations with Regional / National / International Bodies / Institutions establish health systems for communication amount all stakeholders for vision oriented growth fulfill the national obligation through Rural Heath Mission.